Unfortunately, we are not able to proceed with your registration if you do not have the power to enter your company into a legally binding agreement with ELK Energy.
A small number of customers use tiered rates. Tiered Pricing is broken down into set amounts of electricity that may be used at a specific rate; once this set amount is exceeded, the rate changes to a more expensive tier. As of May 1, 2024, Tiered prices for non-residential customers are:
First Tier - Up to 750 kWh
| Second Tier - More than 750 kWh |
10.3 cents per kWh | 12.5 cents per kWh |
The Ontario Electricity Rebate ("OER") provides eligible customers with a reduction on their monthly bill before HST.
The following customers are automatically eligible for the OER and do not need to apply for the reduction:
If your account is not already automatically eligible as outlined above, please review the following eligibility requirements.
Effective July 1, 2022 under O.Reg. 216/22 the OER eligibility criteria will be expanded to include three additional types of customer accounts.
The following customers who are eligible for the OER but need to complete the self-declaration form in order to receive the rebate on their bill are:
Commercial customers who:
In order to receive the OER, new customers who qualify under the expanded eligibility requirements will need to submit a one-time notice to attest to their eligibility.
Please complete the form here.
Customers are encouraged to submit the form in advance of July 1, 2022 to ensure they do not miss the opportunity from the beginning.
If you have a large volume farm business, licensed long-term care home or a multi-unit complex which has a demand for electricity greater than 50kW and uses more than 250,000 kWh and you're already receiving the OER you do NOT need to re-apply.
However, some customers with accounts for common areas, retirement residences or mobile home parks may currently be receiving the OER under the legacy exemption set out in section 1.2 of the General Regulation, because they had been receiving the 8% Ontario Rebate for Electricity Consumer's (OREC). Those customers will need to submit an OER Self-Declaration Form before the legacy exemption expires on October 31, 2022 to avoid any interruption in receiving the OER.